
Comprehensive guides and technical references for developers and users

Documentation Header


The Crypto Insurance Platform is a decentralized protocol for parametric insurance products built on blockchain technology.

Our platform enables the creation, distribution, and settlement of insurance policies in a transparent, automated, and trustless manner. By leveraging smart contracts and oracles, we eliminate intermediaries while providing reliable coverage for various risks.

Key Features

  • Fully decentralized insurance platform
  • Parametric insurance products with automated claims processing
  • Transparent risk pools and premiums
  • Staking mechanism for capital provision
  • Oracle integration for reliable data feeds

Insurance On The Blockchain

Traditional insurance relies on centralized entities to assess claims, manage risk pools, and determine payouts. This process is often slow, lacks transparency, and introduces trust issues. Our platform addresses these challenges by:


Smart contracts automatically execute claims based on predefined parameters without human intervention.


All transactions, policies, and claims are recorded on the blockchain, providing full transparency.


Automated processes reduce overhead costs and allow for faster policy creation and claim settlements.


Global accessibility allows anyone with a crypto wallet to purchase insurance or provide capital.

Platform Architecture

Platform Architecture

The Crypto Insurance Platform consists of several core components that work together to provide a complete decentralized insurance solution.

Platform Architecture Diagram

High-level architecture of the Crypto Insurance Platform

Core Components

Insurance Registry

Central registry that maintains a list of all supported insurance products, stake providers, and policy holders.

// Insurance Registry Interface
interface IInsuranceRegistry {
    function registerProduct(address productAddress) external;
    function registerStakeProvider(address provider) external;
    function getProductList() external view returns(address[] memory);
    function isValidProduct(address productAddress) external view returns(bool);

Policy Manager

Handles the creation, management, and settlement of insurance policies across different product types.

Staking Pool

Manages capital provided by stakers that backs insurance policies and distributes rewards.

Oracle Integration

Connects to external data sources to verify insurance events and trigger automated claims.

Token System

Includes platform tokens used for governance, staking rewards, and premium payments.

Interaction Flow

  1. 1

    Policy Creation

    Users select an insurance product, specify coverage parameters, and pay premiums.

  2. 2

    Premium Allocation

    Premiums are allocated to staking pools that back the specific insurance product.

  3. 3

    Event Monitoring

    Oracle networks monitor external data sources for insured events (e.g., flight delays, stablecoin depeg).

  4. 4

    Claim Verification

    Smart contracts verify claim conditions based on oracle data.

  5. 5

    Payout Execution

    Upon verification, policy contracts automatically execute payouts to policyholders.

Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

Get started with the Crypto Insurance Platform in just a few steps:

Getting Started as a User


Connect Your Wallet

Visit the platform website and connect your Ethereum wallet (MetaMask, WalletConnect, etc.).

Connect Wallet Guide

Select an Insurance Product

Browse available insurance products and select one that matches your needs.


Customize Your Policy

Set parameters such as coverage amount, duration, and specific conditions.


Pay Premium

Pay the calculated premium in supported cryptocurrencies to activate your policy.


Manage Your Policy

Track your active policies and claims through the user dashboard.

Getting Started as a Staker


Connect Your Wallet

Visit the staking section and connect your wallet.


Select a Staking Pool

Choose a staking pool based on the risk profile and expected returns.


Deposit Funds

Deposit your crypto assets into the selected pool and set your preferred lock period.


Monitor Rewards

Track your staking rewards and pool performance through the staking dashboard.


Withdraw or Reinvest

Choose to withdraw your funds after the lock period or reinvest to compound returns.

Getting Started as a Developer


Clone the Repository

git clone
cd platform
npm install

Set Up Local Environment

# Create .env file with your configuration
cp .env.example .env
# Edit .env with your settings
npm run setup

Run Local Development Node

npm run node

Deploy Smart Contracts

npm run deploy:local

Integrate with Your Application

Use our SDK to integrate insurance products into your application.

SDK Documentation

Flight Delay Insurance

Flight delay insurance provides compensation to travelers when their flights are delayed beyond a specified threshold.

Product Parameters

Parameter Description Default
Flight Number IATA/ICAO flight identifier Required
Departure Date Scheduled departure date Required
Delay Threshold Minimum delay time (minutes) to trigger payout 60 minutes
Coverage Amount Maximum payout amount Configurable
Premium Rate Percentage of coverage amount 5-15%

Oracle Integration

Flight delay insurance relies on flight status data from multiple sources:

  • FlightStats API
  • Chainlink Data Feeds
  • Airport authority data feeds

The oracle network aggregates data from these sources to ensure accuracy and reliability. A minimum of 3 out of 5 data sources must confirm a delay before triggering a payout.

Policy Lifecycle

Policy Creation

User purchases policy by specifying flight details and coverage amount

Flight Monitoring

Oracle network tracks flight status in real-time

Delay Detection

System detects if the flight is delayed beyond threshold

Automatic Payout

Smart contract executes payout to user's wallet

Policy Closure

Policy is marked as claimed and archived

Integration Example

// Creating a flight delay insurance policy
const { FlightInsurance } = require('@crypto-insurance/sdk');

// Initialize SDK with your API key
const flightInsurance = new FlightInsurance({
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  network: 'mainnet'

// Create a policy
async function createPolicy() {
  const policy = await flightInsurance.createPolicy({
    flightNumber: 'UA123',
    departureDate: '2025-03-15',
    departureTime: '14:30',
    delayThreshold: 90, // minutes
    coverageAmount: 500, // in USD
    policyholderAddress: '0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e'
  console.log(`Policy created with ID: ${}`);
  return policy;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@crypto-insurance/contracts/FlightInsurancePolicy.sol";
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/ChainlinkClient.sol";

contract FlightDelayPolicy is FlightInsurancePolicy, ChainlinkClient {
    string public flightNumber;
    uint256 public departureDate;
    uint256 public delayThreshold;
    uint256 public coverageAmount;
    address public policyholder;
    enum PolicyStatus { Active, PaidOut, Expired }
    PolicyStatus public status;
    event PolicyCreated(string flightNumber, uint256 departureDate);
    event PolicyPaidOut(uint256 amount);
        string memory _flightNumber,
        uint256 _departureDate,
        uint256 _delayThreshold,
        uint256 _coverageAmount,
        address _policyholder
    ) {
        flightNumber = _flightNumber;
        departureDate = _departureDate;
        delayThreshold = _delayThreshold;
        coverageAmount = _coverageAmount;
        policyholder = _policyholder;
        status = PolicyStatus.Active;
        emit PolicyCreated(flightNumber, departureDate);
    function processClaim(uint256 delayDuration) external onlyOracle {
        require(status == PolicyStatus.Active, "Policy not active");
        if (delayDuration >= delayThreshold) {
            status = PolicyStatus.PaidOut;
            // Transfer coverage amount to policyholder
            (bool success, ) ={value: coverageAmount}("");
            require(success, "Transfer failed");
            emit PolicyPaidOut(coverageAmount);

Event Cancellation Insurance

Event cancellation insurance protects ticket holders against financial loss when events are cancelled, postponed, or relocated.

Product Parameters

Parameter Description Default
Event ID Unique identifier for the event Required
Event Date Scheduled date of the event Required
Event Type Category of the event (concert, sports, conference, etc.) Required
Ticket Value Purchase price of the ticket(s) Required
Coverage Amount Maximum payout amount (typically equal to ticket value) Equal to ticket value
Premium Rate Percentage of coverage amount 8-20%

Covered Scenarios

Event cancellation insurance covers the following scenarios:

  • Cancellation: Event is completely cancelled by the organizer
  • Postponement: Event is rescheduled to a later date
  • Venue Change: Event is relocated to a different venue
  • Performer No-Show: Main performer(s) cannot appear

The policy does not cover voluntary non-attendance or inability to attend due to personal circumstances.

Oracle Integration

Event cancellation verification relies on data from multiple authoritative sources:

  • Official event organizer announcements
  • Venue information systems
  • Ticketing platform APIs
  • Media and news verification services

The oracle network requires confirmation from at least two independent sources to verify an event cancellation or significant change before processing a claim.

Integration Example

// Creating an event cancellation insurance policy
const { EventInsurance } = require('@crypto-insurance/sdk');

// Initialize SDK with your API key
const eventInsurance = new EventInsurance({
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  network: 'mainnet'

// Create a policy
async function createEventPolicy() {
  const policy = await eventInsurance.createPolicy({
    eventId: 'EV-2025-06-123',
    eventName: 'Summer Music Festival 2025',
    eventDate: '2025-06-15',
    eventType: 'concert',
    ticketValue: 250, // in USD
    coverageAmount: 250, // in USD
    policyholderAddress: '0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e'
  console.log(`Event policy created with ID: ${}`);
  return policy;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@crypto-insurance/contracts/EventInsurancePolicy.sol";
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/ChainlinkClient.sol";

contract EventCancellationPolicy is EventInsurancePolicy, ChainlinkClient {
    string public eventId;
    string public eventName;
    uint256 public eventDate;
    string public eventType;
    uint256 public ticketValue;
    uint256 public coverageAmount;
    address public policyholder;
    enum PolicyStatus { Active, PaidOut, Expired }
    enum CancellationReason { Cancelled, Postponed, VenueChanged, PerformerNoShow }
    PolicyStatus public status;
    event PolicyCreated(string eventId, string eventName, uint256 eventDate);
    event PolicyPaidOut(uint256 amount, CancellationReason reason);
        string memory _eventId,
        string memory _eventName,
        uint256 _eventDate,
        string memory _eventType,
        uint256 _ticketValue,
        address _policyholder
    ) {
        eventId = _eventId;
        eventName = _eventName;
        eventDate = _eventDate;
        eventType = _eventType;
        ticketValue = _ticketValue;
        coverageAmount = _ticketValue;
        policyholder = _policyholder;
        status = PolicyStatus.Active;
        emit PolicyCreated(eventId, eventName, eventDate);
    function processClaim(bytes calldata oracleData) external onlyOracle {
        require(status == PolicyStatus.Active, "Policy not active");
        // Decode oracle data
        (bool eventCancelled, CancellationReason reason) = abi.decode(
            (bool, CancellationReason)
        if (eventCancelled) {
            status = PolicyStatus.PaidOut;
            // Transfer coverage amount to policyholder
            (bool success, ) ={value: coverageAmount}("");
            require(success, "Transfer failed");
            emit PolicyPaidOut(coverageAmount, reason);

Stablecoin Depeg Insurance

Stablecoin depeg insurance protects holders against significant price deviations from the pegged value of stablecoins.

Product Parameters

Parameter Description Default
Stablecoin The stablecoin to insure (USDC, USDT, DAI, etc.) Required
Coverage Amount Amount of stablecoin to be insured Required
Depeg Threshold Price deviation that triggers a payout (e.g., 0.95 or 0.90) 0.95 USD
Duration Length of coverage period 30 days
Premium Rate Percentage of coverage amount 1-5%
Observation Period Time period price must remain below threshold 1 hour

Oracle Integration

Stablecoin price data is collected from multiple sources to ensure accuracy:

  • Centralized exchanges (Coinbase, Binance, Kraken)
  • Decentralized exchanges (Uniswap, Curve, SushiSwap)
  • Chainlink Price Feeds
  • Band Protocol
  • API3

The oracle system calculates a volume-weighted average price (VWAP) across all sources and requires the price to remain below the depeg threshold for the entire observation period before triggering a payout.

Payout Calculation

The payout amount is calculated based on the severity of the depeg event:

// Pseudocode for payout calculation
function calculatePayout(coverageAmount, depegThreshold, actualPrice) {
  if (actualPrice >= depegThreshold) {
    return 0; // No payout if price is above threshold
  // Calculate the percentage deviation from $1
  const deviation = 1 - actualPrice;
  // Calculate payout based on deviation percentage
  const payoutPercentage = Math.min(1, deviation * 2); // Cap at 100%
  return coverageAmount * payoutPercentage;

For example, if a user insures 10,000 USDC and the price drops to $0.85:

  • Deviation: 1 - 0.85 = 0.15 (15%)
  • Payout percentage: 0.15 * 2 = 0.3 (30%)
  • Payout: 10,000 * 0.3 = 3,000 USDC

Integration Example

// Creating a stablecoin depeg insurance policy
const { StablecoinInsurance } = require('@crypto-insurance/sdk');

// Initialize SDK with your API key
const stablecoinInsurance = new StablecoinInsurance({
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  network: 'mainnet'

// Create a policy
async function createStablecoinPolicy() {
  const policy = await stablecoinInsurance.createPolicy({
    stablecoin: 'USDC',
    coverageAmount: 10000, // 10,000 USDC
    depegThreshold: 0.95, // 95 cents
    duration: 30, // days
    observationPeriod: 60, // minutes
    policyholderAddress: '0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e'
  console.log(`Stablecoin policy created with ID: ${}`);
  return policy;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@crypto-insurance/contracts/StablecoinInsurancePolicy.sol";
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/ChainlinkClient.sol";

contract StablecoinDepegPolicy is StablecoinInsurancePolicy, ChainlinkClient {
    string public stablecoin;
    uint256 public coverageAmount;
    uint256 public depegThreshold; // Stored as price * 100 (e.g., 95 for $0.95)
    uint256 public startTime;
    uint256 public endTime;
    uint256 public observationPeriod; // in minutes
    address public policyholder;
    enum PolicyStatus { Active, PaidOut, Expired }
    PolicyStatus public status;
    event PolicyCreated(string stablecoin, uint256 coverageAmount, uint256 depegThreshold);
    event PolicyPaidOut(uint256 amount, uint256 actualPrice);
        string memory _stablecoin,
        uint256 _coverageAmount,
        uint256 _depegThreshold,
        uint256 _duration,
        uint256 _observationPeriod,
        address _policyholder
    ) {
        stablecoin = _stablecoin;
        coverageAmount = _coverageAmount;
        depegThreshold = _depegThreshold;
        startTime = block.timestamp;
        endTime = block.timestamp + (_duration * 1 days);
        observationPeriod = _observationPeriod * 1 minutes;
        policyholder = _policyholder;
        status = PolicyStatus.Active;
        emit PolicyCreated(stablecoin, coverageAmount, depegThreshold);
    function processClaim(bytes calldata oracleData) external onlyOracle {
        require(status == PolicyStatus.Active, "Policy not active");
        require(block.timestamp <= endTime, "Policy expired");
        // Decode oracle data
        (uint256 actualPrice, bool belowThresholdForPeriod) = abi.decode(
            (uint256, bool)
        if (actualPrice < depegThreshold && belowThresholdForPeriod) {
            status = PolicyStatus.PaidOut;
            // Calculate payout amount based on severity
            uint256 deviation = 100 - actualPrice;
            uint256 payoutPercentage = (deviation * 2 > 100) ? 100 : deviation * 2;
            uint256 payoutAmount = (coverageAmount * payoutPercentage) / 100;
            // Transfer payout to policyholder
            (bool success, ) ={value: payoutAmount}("");
            require(success, "Transfer failed");
            emit PolicyPaidOut(payoutAmount, actualPrice);

Weather Impact Insurance

Weather impact insurance provides protection against adverse weather conditions that may affect business operations, events, or agricultural yields.

Product Parameters

Parameter Description Default
Location Geographic coordinates or location ID Required
Weather Parameter Specific condition (temperature, rainfall, wind, etc.) Required
Threshold Trigger level for the chosen parameter Required
Coverage Period Start and end dates for coverage Required
Coverage Amount Maximum payout in case of trigger event Required
Premium Rate Percentage of coverage amount 3-15%

Weather Parameters

The protocol supports a wide range of weather parameters:

  • Temperature: Maximum, minimum, or average (°C/°F)
  • Precipitation: Rainfall or snowfall amount (mm/inches)
  • Wind: Speed, direction, or gust strength
  • Sunshine: Hours of sunlight
  • Extreme Events: Hurricanes, floods, droughts

Oracle Integration

Weather data is sourced from multiple professional meteorological services:

  • National Weather Service
  • AccuWeather
  • Weather Underground
  • The Weather Company
  • Local weather stations network

Data from at least three independent sources is aggregated and verified before triggering a policy payout. For historical data verification, the system also uses satellite imagery and ground-based sensor networks.

Use Cases


Protection against drought, excessive rainfall, or unseasonal frost affecting crop yields

Outdoor Events

Coverage for concerts, festivals, or sports events impacted by adverse weather

Seasonal Businesses

Protection for businesses dependent on specific weather conditions (ski resorts, beach venues)


Coverage against project delays caused by adverse weather conditions

Integration Example

// Creating a weather impact insurance policy
const { WeatherInsurance } = require('@crypto-insurance/sdk');

// Initialize SDK with your API key
const weatherInsurance = new WeatherInsurance({
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
  network: 'mainnet'

// Create a policy
async function createWeatherPolicy() {
  const policy = await weatherInsurance.createPolicy({
    location: {
      latitude: 40.7128,
      longitude: -74.0060,
      locationName: 'New York, NY'
    weatherParameter: 'RAINFALL',
    thresholdType: 'EXCEEDS',
    thresholdValue: 25, // mm of rainfall
    coveragePeriod: {
      startDate: '2025-07-15',
      endDate: '2025-07-18'
    coverageAmount: 5000, // in USD
    description: 'Outdoor wedding protection',
    policyholderAddress: '0x742d35Cc6634C0532925a3b844Bc454e4438f44e'
  console.log(`Weather policy created with ID: ${}`);
  return policy;
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@crypto-insurance/contracts/WeatherInsurancePolicy.sol";
import "@chainlink/contracts/src/v0.8/ChainlinkClient.sol";

contract WeatherImpactPolicy is WeatherInsurancePolicy, ChainlinkClient {
    // Location data
    int256 public latitude;
    int256 public longitude;
    string public locationName;
    // Weather parameters
    WeatherParameterType public weatherParameter;
    ThresholdType public thresholdType;
    int256 public thresholdValue;
    int256 public secondaryThreshold; // For BETWEEN and OUTSIDE_RANGE types
    // Policy details
    uint256 public startDate;
    uint256 public endDate;
    uint256 public coverageAmount;
    address public policyholder;
    string public description;
    enum PolicyStatus { Active, PaidOut, Expired }
    PolicyStatus public status;
    event PolicyCreated(string locationName, uint256 startDate, uint256 endDate);
    event PolicyPaidOut(uint256 amount, int256 actualWeatherValue);
        int256 _latitude,
        int256 _longitude,
        string memory _locationName,
        uint8 _weatherParameter,
        uint8 _thresholdType,
        int256 _thresholdValue,
        int256 _secondaryThreshold,
        uint256 _startDate,
        uint256 _endDate,
        uint256 _coverageAmount,
        address _policyholder,
        string memory _description
    ) {
        latitude = _latitude;
        longitude = _longitude;
        locationName = _locationName;
        weatherParameter = WeatherParameterType(_weatherParameter);
        thresholdType = ThresholdType(_thresholdType);
        thresholdValue = _thresholdValue;
        secondaryThreshold = _secondaryThreshold;
        startDate = _startDate;
        endDate = _endDate;
        coverageAmount = _coverageAmount;
        policyholder = _policyholder;
        description = _description;
        status = PolicyStatus.Active;
        emit PolicyCreated(locationName, startDate, endDate);
    function processClaim(bytes calldata oracleData) external onlyOracle {
        require(status == PolicyStatus.Active, "Policy not active");
        require(block.timestamp <= endDate, "Policy expired");
        // Decode oracle data
        (int256 actualWeatherValue, bool conditionMet) = abi.decode(
            (int256, bool)
        if (conditionMet) {
            status = PolicyStatus.PaidOut;
            // Transfer coverage amount to policyholder
            (bool success, ) ={value: coverageAmount}("");
            require(success, "Transfer failed");
            emit PolicyPaidOut(coverageAmount, actualWeatherValue);
    function isThresholdMet(int256 value) internal view returns (bool) {
        if (thresholdType == ThresholdType.EXCEEDS) {
            return value > thresholdValue;
    } else if (thresholdType == ThresholdType.FALLS_BELOW) {
            return value < thresholdValue;
    } else if (thresholdType == ThresholdType.BETWEEN) {
            return value >= thresholdValue && value <= secondaryThreshold;
    } else if (thresholdType == ThresholdType.OUTSIDE_RANGE) {
            return value < thresholdValue || value > secondaryThreshold;
        return false;
API Reference

API Reference

The DefiLean API allows developers to interact with our insurance products and services programmatically.

Our RESTful API provides endpoints for creating insurance policies, querying policy status, managing claims, and integrating with the staking system. This enables third-party applications to offer our insurance products directly within their platforms.

API Access Requirements

  • API keys for authentication
  • SSL encryption for all API requests
  • Rate limiting applies to prevent abuse
  • Webhook setup for real-time event notifications

API Versioning

The API uses versioning to ensure backward compatibility as we add new features. The current version is v1, which is specified in the URL path.

We commit to maintaining backward compatibility within a major version. Breaking changes will only be introduced in new major versions, and we'll provide migration guides and deprecation notices well in advance.

API Authentication

Authentication for the DefiLean API uses API keys to identify your application and JWT tokens for user-specific operations.

API Keys

API keys are used to authenticate your application. You can generate API keys in the Developer Dashboard.

// Example API request with API key
fetch('', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-API-Key': 'your_api_key_here'

API Key Security

Never expose your API keys in client-side code. Always keep them secure on your server. If you suspect an API key has been compromised, you should immediately rotate it in the Developer Dashboard.

User Authentication

For operations that require user authentication, you'll need to use JSON Web Tokens (JWT). These tokens can be obtained by implementing our authentication flow.

// Example authenticated user request
fetch('', {
  method: 'GET',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-API-Key': 'your_api_key_here',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer your_jwt_token_here'
API Endpoints

API Endpoints

The DefiLean API provides the following key endpoints:

Endpoint Method Description
/v1/policies GET List all available insurance policies
/v1/policies/{id} GET Get details of a specific policy
/v1/policies POST Create a new insurance policy
/v1/claims GET List all claims associated with authenticated user
/v1/claims/{id} GET Get details of a specific claim
/v1/stakes GET List available staking opportunities
/v1/stakes POST Create a new staking position
/v1/user/policies GET List policies owned by authenticated user
/v1/user/stakes GET List staking positions owned by authenticated user

Request Example

Here's an example of creating a new flight delay insurance policy:

// Creating a flight delay policy
fetch('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'X-API-Key': 'your_api_key_here',
    'Authorization': 'Bearer user_jwt_token'
  body: JSON.stringify({
    type: 'flight_delay',
    parameters: {
      flightNumber: 'UA123',
      departureDate: '2025-03-15',
      departureTime: '14:30',
      delayThreshold: 90,
      coverageAmount: 500
    premiumCurrency: 'USDC'

Response Example

  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "policyId": "pol_f8d7a6c5b4e3",
    "type": "flight_delay",
    "parameters": {
      "flightNumber": "UA123",
      "departureDate": "2025-03-15",
      "departureTime": "14:30",
      "delayThreshold": 90,
      "coverageAmount": 500
    "premium": {
      "amount": 35,
      "currency": "USDC"
    "status": "pending_payment",
    "paymentUrl": "",
    "expiresAt": "2025-03-01T14:30:00Z",
    "createdAt": "2025-02-15T10:45:32Z"


Webhooks allow your application to receive real-time notifications about events in the DefiLean platform, such as policy creation, claim processing, and payouts.

Setting Up Webhooks

You can configure webhook endpoints in the Developer Dashboard. When setting up a webhook, you need to provide:

  • The URL where you want to receive webhook events
  • The types of events you want to subscribe to
  • An optional secret key for signature verification

Event Types

DefiLean supports the following webhook event types:

Policy Events

policy.created, policy.activated, policy.expired

Claim Events

claim.initiated, claim.verified, claim.processed

Payment Events

payment.received, payment.failed, payout.sent

Staking Events

stake.created, stake.rewarded, stake.withdrawn

Webhook Payload

Webhook payloads are sent as JSON objects in the body of the HTTP POST request. Each payload includes:

  "id": "evt_123456789",
  "type": "policy.created",
  "created": "2025-02-15T10:45:32Z",
  "data": {
    // Event-specific data
    "policyId": "pol_f8d7a6c5b4e3",
    "type": "flight_delay",
    "customer": "cus_abcdef123456",
    "status": "pending_payment"

Signature Verification

To verify that webhooks are coming from DefiLean and not an unauthorized party, we include a signature in the X-DefiLean-Signature header. You should verify this signature using your webhook secret.

// Node.js example for verifying webhook signatures
const crypto = require('crypto');

function verifyWebhookSignature(payload, signature, secret) {
  const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha256', secret);
  const expectedSignature = hmac.update(payload).digest('hex');
  return crypto.timingSafeEqual(
Smart Contracts

Smart Contracts Overview

DefiLean's infrastructure is built on Ethereum-compatible smart contracts that enable trustless insurance policies and staking.

Our smart contracts are designed with security, transparency, and efficiency in mind. They handle all aspects of the insurance lifecycle, from policy creation to automated claim payouts, while ensuring that funds are properly managed and secured.

Security Measures

  • All contracts have undergone thorough security audits by top firms
  • Time-locked upgrades with multi-signature governance
  • Insurance fund to protect against extreme events
  • Circuit breakers and emergency pause mechanisms

Contract Architecture

Our smart contract architecture follows a modular design pattern that separates concerns and enables upgradability:

Smart Contract Architecture

DefiLean's smart contract architecture

The main components of our architecture include:

  • Registry Contract: Central registry that tracks all policies, products, and staking pools
  • Product Templates: Standardized contracts for each insurance product type
  • Policy Factory: Creates new policy instances based on product templates
  • Staking Pool: Manages capital from stakers and distributes rewards
  • Oracle System: Provides verified external data for claim processing
  • Governance: Controls system parameters and upgrades

Insurance Registry

The Insurance Registry is the central hub of the DefiLean protocol. It maintains a comprehensive record of all insurance products, active policies, and staking pools.

Registry Functions

The Registry contract provides the following key functions:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface IInsuranceRegistry {
    // Product management
    function registerProduct(address productAddress, string memory productType) external;
    function deactivateProduct(address productAddress) external;
    function getProductList() external view returns (address[] memory);
    function isProductActive(address product) external view returns (bool);
    // Policy tracking
    function registerPolicy(address policyAddress, address product) external;
    function getPoliciesForUser(address user) external view returns (address[] memory);
    function getPoliciesForProduct(address product) external view returns (address[] memory);
    // Staking pool management
    function registerStakingPool(address poolAddress, address product) external;
    function getStakingPoolsForProduct(address product) external view returns (address[] memory);
    // System parameters
    function getProtocolFee() external view returns (uint256);
    function getMinimumCoverageAmount() external view returns (uint256);
    function getMaximumCoverageAmount() external view returns (uint256);

Registry Access Control

The Registry implements role-based access control to ensure that only authorized entities can make changes:

  • Admin Role: Can add or remove products and set system parameters
  • Product Role: Products can register policies that they create
  • Factory Role: Policy Factory can register new policies


The Registry contract uses a transparent proxy pattern for upgradeability, allowing us to fix bugs or add features while maintaining state and address continuity.

Policy Contracts

Policy contracts represent individual insurance agreements between users and the protocol. Each policy is a separate contract instance created from a template for its specific insurance type.

Policy Lifecycle

A policy contract goes through several states throughout its lifecycle:

  1. 1


    Policy is created with specific parameters (e.g., flight number, coverage amount)

  2. 2


    Policy becomes active when premium payment is received

  3. 3

    Coverage Period

    Policy provides coverage for the specified duration

  4. 4

    Claim Processing

    If a covered event occurs, oracle data triggers claim verification

  5. 5

    Payout or Expiration

    Policy pays out if claim is valid, or expires if no claim occurs

Policy Interface

All policy contracts implement a standard interface to ensure consistency:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface IPolicy {
    enum PolicyStatus { Created, Active, Claimed, Expired, Cancelled }
    function activate() external payable;
    function processClaim(bytes calldata oracleData) external;
    function getStatus() external view returns (PolicyStatus);
    function getCoverageAmount() external view returns (uint256);
    function getPremiumAmount() external view returns (uint256);
    function getPolicyholder() external view returns (address);
    function getStartTime() external view returns (uint256);
    function getEndTime() external view returns (uint256);
    function getProductType() external view returns (string memory);
    function getParameters() external view returns (bytes memory);

Example Policy Contract

Here's a simplified flight delay policy implementation:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "./IPolicy.sol";
import "./OracleConsumer.sol";

contract FlightDelayPolicy is IPolicy, OracleConsumer {
    // Policy details
    address public policyholder;
    uint256 public coverageAmount;
    uint256 public premium;
    uint256 public startTime;
    uint256 public endTime;
    PolicyStatus public status;
    // Flight specific parameters
    string public flightNumber;
    uint256 public departureDate;
    uint256 public delayThreshold; // minutes
    // Events
    event PolicyActivated(address indexed policyholder, uint256 premium);
    event ClaimPaid(address indexed policyholder, uint256 amount);
    event PolicyExpired();
        address _policyholder,
        uint256 _coverageAmount,
        uint256 _premium,
        uint256 _startTime,
        uint256 _endTime,
        string memory _flightNumber,
        uint256 _departureDate,
        uint256 _delayThreshold
    ) {
        policyholder = _policyholder;
        coverageAmount = _coverageAmount;
        premium = _premium;
        startTime = _startTime;
        endTime = _endTime;
        flightNumber = _flightNumber;
        departureDate = _departureDate;
        delayThreshold = _delayThreshold;
        status = PolicyStatus.Created;
    function activate() external payable override {
        require(status == PolicyStatus.Created, "Policy already activated");
        require(msg.value == premium, "Incorrect premium amount");
        status = PolicyStatus.Active;
        emit PolicyActivated(policyholder, premium);
    function processClaim(bytes calldata oracleData) external override onlyOracle {
        require(status == PolicyStatus.Active, "Policy not active");
        // Decode oracle data
        (uint256 delayDuration, bool flightCancelled) = abi.decode(oracleData, (uint256, bool));
        // Check if claim conditions are met
        if (delayDuration >= delayThreshold || flightCancelled) {
            status = PolicyStatus.Claimed;
            // Transfer coverage amount to policyholder
            (bool success, ) ={value: coverageAmount}("");
            require(success, "Transfer failed");
            emit ClaimPaid(policyholder, coverageAmount);
    } else if (block.timestamp > endTime) {
            status = PolicyStatus.Expired;
            emit PolicyExpired();
    // Implement remaining interface methods...

Staking Contracts

The staking system allows users to provide capital to back insurance policies and earn rewards in return. Staking contracts manage this process in a secure and transparent manner.

Staking Pool Functions

Staking pools implement the following key functions:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface IStakingPool {
    // Staking operations
    function stake(uint256 amount, uint256 lockPeriod) external;
    function withdraw(uint256 amount) external;
    function claimRewards() external;
    // View functions
    function getStakeAmount(address staker) external view returns (uint256);
    function getAvailableRewards(address staker) external view returns (uint256);
    function getLockEndTime(address staker) external view returns (uint256);
    function getTotalStaked() external view returns (uint256);
    function getAPY() external view returns (uint256);
    // Pool information
    function getPoolType() external view returns (string memory);
    function getSupportedProducts() external view returns (address[] memory);
    function getMinimumStake() external view returns (uint256);
    function getMaximumStake() external view returns (uint256);

Risk and Reward Mechanism

The staking system carefully balances risk and reward:

  • Premium Sharing: Stakers receive a portion of policy premiums
  • Risk Exposure: Staked capital backs insurance payouts if claims occur
  • Capital Efficiency: Staking pools are designed for optimal capital utilization
  • Risk Tranches: Different risk levels with corresponding reward rates

Senior Pool

Lower risk, lower rewards, first loss protection

Mezzanine Pool

Balanced risk-reward profile, moderate exposure

Junior Pool

Higher risk, higher rewards, first to absorb losses

Diversified Pool

Spreads risk across multiple insurance products

Oracle Integration

Oracle networks provide the external data needed to verify insurance conditions and trigger claims. DefiLean uses a combination of decentralized oracle networks to ensure data reliability and prevent manipulation.

Oracle Data Sources

Different insurance products rely on different data sources:

Insurance Product Data Sources Update Frequency
Flight Delay FlightStats API, Chainlink, Aviation authorities Real-time
Event Cancellation Event APIs, News feeds, Venue data Hourly
Stablecoin Depeg DEX price feeds, CEX price APIs, Chainlink Every block
Weather Impact Weather APIs, IoT sensors, Meteorological data Hourly

Oracle Security Model

Our oracle integration includes several security measures:

  • Multiple Sources: Data is aggregated from multiple independent sources
  • Consensus Mechanism: Requires agreement from most data providers
  • Staking: Oracle providers stake tokens as collateral against incorrect data
  • Timelock: Critical data uses a timelock to prevent flash attacks
  • Dispute Resolution: Process for challenging potentially incorrect data

Oracle Interface

Insurance contracts interact with oracles through a standardized interface:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

interface IOracleProvider {
    function requestData(
        bytes32 requestId,
        string memory dataType,
        bytes memory parameters
    ) external returns (bytes32);
    function fulfillRequest(
        bytes32 requestId,
        bytes memory result
    ) external;
    function cancelRequest(bytes32 requestId) external;
    function getResult(bytes32 requestId) external view returns (
        bool fulfilled,
        bytes memory result